~~*~~BRIDIE'S STORY~~*~~
Here is my very special pet hen Bridie who lives in the office, follows me everywhere, comes on car trips, she is a truly unique hen, she is house trained and runs outside to the loo..
Here is Bridie and the 10 little chicks she hatched from donor eggs.
Here she is again, all washed and fluffy, stepping out looking for a husband of her very own.
...and she finds Rupert, a lovely young rooster who just adores her.
so with the blessings of a close relative.............
they soon produce some lovely little chicks of their very own, here they are at 3 weeks old. (30.12.08)
Banjo, our old Labrador played a huge part in raising Bridie's orphaned babies, he had the patience of a Saint and a heart of gold as they clung to him for warmth and comfort.
Now, I know in the very short time you have been reading this and looking at pictures, you have become very fond of our little Bridie, so it is with much sadness that I share the news with you, that Bridie died today 28.12.08 after an aggressive respiratory infection with a very rapid onset, got the better of her, despite our best efforts and treatment to save her. She leaves behind her 5 little chicks above and Rupert, in mourning below.... and me.
Bridie will be and is, very sadly missed.
R.I.P Bridie... my friend.
28/12/09 It's been 12 months today since Bridie passed away, and she is still very sadly missed.
10/10/95 - 12/2/10
Banjo is now buried next to Bridie, they are both remembered with much affection.